Just wanna share a little about some waste-reduction effort.
I try not to use toilet paper, in apartment AND office.
The small towel can be used 3 times before it becomes too moist, but turn out I don't like it that way. I like it the way the toilet paper did:
Use, throw. Use throw.
But this time, I throw it to laundry basket :D
I believe I need more towels!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Pertemuan Keluarga 18 Oktober 2009
Hari Minggu 18 Oktober lalu keluarga gue jadi tuan rumah untuk pertemuan keluarga dari pihak mbah. Tenda dipasang.
Dengan kucing sebanyak itu, merupakan suatu tantangan jika punya acara, mengingat kita gak mungkin menutup pintu.
Terpaksa hampir SEMUA dikurung.
Ketika belum semua ketangkep, gue duduk di depan pintu jadi satpam karena bintang utama belum ada => NERO!!! Dia masih tidur di genteng. Akhirnya dia bangun juga lalu ditangkep ama Mama.
Ganteng terpaksa dikurung di Ruang Sebelah (ruang sebelah kamar gue) karena dia:
- tidak takut orang, malah sok akrab
- pemakan segala => bisa2 santannya bubur dia minum! Hihihihi
Cuma beberapa ibu2 yang nggak dikurung, tapi mereka juga bukan yang jail dan seneng jalan, jadi aman!
Unyil dikandangin sama Kabur.
Nero sekamar sama Iput.
Gue yakin Iput pucet :D
Coklat dikandangin, juga Kendul.
Semua AKUR! Salut banget gue. Padahal Nero dan Kendul jarang dikandangin.
Kami semua bahagia hari itu: undangan banyak yang hadir, tidak hujan (elemen yang sangat penting!), kucing aman, dan anjing tidak begitu memalukan. Hehehe.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
...and I Passed the (Towel) Test
I decided to bring the 'toilet towel' to office today.
It wasn't hectic at all, although I had to bring along the black plastic bag everytime I went to the bathroom :)
So I need more carry-ons now. The handbag isn't enough now, since I bring a lunch box, and now I bring small towel.
(I don't bring my own lunch. I order my food from office canteen using the box because I hate the paper wraps. Waste, waste, waste!)
It wasn't hectic at all, although I had to bring along the black plastic bag everytime I went to the bathroom :)
So I need more carry-ons now. The handbag isn't enough now, since I bring a lunch box, and now I bring small towel.
(I don't bring my own lunch. I order my food from office canteen using the box because I hate the paper wraps. Waste, waste, waste!)
Halal Bihalal Keluarga Soepardi
Sabtu minggu lalu gue sekeluarga (minus 'si AA' karena dia lagi kerja) ke rumah Budi di Bogor, acara halal bihalal.
IH, telat banget ya?
Beginilah kalau sepupu2 gue pada ke Yogya, dan yang gak jalan2 sibuk di acara mertua. Ohya, karena lebaran jadinya hari Minggu, jadwal kacau sehingga gue gak bisa ketemuan dengan sepupu yang gak mudik pada hari ketiga lebaran.
Jadilah dibuat ketemuan lagi biar pada komplit.
And the Cuteness Award Goes To...
Toilet Towel
I call the toilet paper substitution as Toilet Towel.
(I've read it in blogs, it's called Cloth Wipes. But I think, in western lifestyle context, cloth wipes are gross since they don't use water like we do. Euwwwww!!!)
The next step is bringin the towels to office.
I don't know I'll pass the test or not, I just wanna try it.
If I fail, well, I never said "I wouldn't use toilet paper again!", all I'm saying just
"I need to reduce the garbage"
(I've read it in blogs, it's called Cloth Wipes. But I think, in western lifestyle context, cloth wipes are gross since they don't use water like we do. Euwwwww!!!)
The next step is bringin the towels to office.
I don't know I'll pass the test or not, I just wanna try it.
If I fail, well, I never said "I wouldn't use toilet paper again!", all I'm saying just
"I need to reduce the garbage"
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Another Green(er) Act
After the pads and the (cute) shopping bags, I move to another level:
I'm trying to reduce the use of toilet paper!
No, it's not gross since we're --Indonesian-- use water and need toilet paper just to be dry.
So I cut an old small towel into 4 pieces and sew the edges.
(if you see my FB status "indira is sewing", it's the towel)
I have no problem with washing the towels. I wash it with my underwear (and I wash it daily).
I'm trying to reduce the use of toilet paper!
No, it's not gross since we're --Indonesian-- use water and need toilet paper just to be dry.
So I cut an old small towel into 4 pieces and sew the edges.
(if you see my FB status "indira is sewing", it's the towel)
I have no problem with washing the towels. I wash it with my underwear (and I wash it daily).
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Minggu lalu gue pilek. Gak parah2 amat, tapi mengganggu. Jadi gue ke dokter kantor dan dikasih antibiotik.
Weekend gue angin2an main kucing dan gue batuk.
Kemarin gue malah hampir tepar sore2..menyedihkan sekali :P
Kali ini batuknya 'kering' dan karena selama ini batuk gue berdahak, gue gak punya stok..jadi kemarin gue terbirit2 ke Guardian beli Actived merah, hihih..
Alhamdulillah cocok. Badan masih belum fit, tapi setidaknya udah gak batuk2 kayak kemarin.
Weekend gue angin2an main kucing dan gue batuk.
Kemarin gue malah hampir tepar sore2..menyedihkan sekali :P
Kali ini batuknya 'kering' dan karena selama ini batuk gue berdahak, gue gak punya stok..jadi kemarin gue terbirit2 ke Guardian beli Actived merah, hihih..
Alhamdulillah cocok. Badan masih belum fit, tapi setidaknya udah gak batuk2 kayak kemarin.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Oct 2nd, Batik Day!
I had FB invitation about wearing batik on 2 Oct, and now I'm wearing batik.
No, not because of the trend....it's just I'm PNS and have to wear batik every Friday hhihihiii
No, not because of the trend....it's just I'm PNS and have to wear batik every Friday hhihihiii
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Cloth Pad Review
I'm using them!!!
No more disposables..
(kecuali kepepet hehehe)
Love them!!
I have 4 panty liners (2 Saffa; 2 Mollyliners) and 1 pad (fresh moon). I love the Mollyliners but I don't like Saffa. They tend to give me rash :(
So I combine the Mollyliners with Saffa, because I can't wear the Saffa all day long.
And now the menstrual pad:
I only have one and it's Fresh Moon. I wore it on my light days, and no, no, no, it didn't leak. Believe me!
But because I only have one, I still use the disposable ones and the pad was like 'wash-dry-wear' or cuci-kering-pakai hahahaha!
No more disposables..
(kecuali kepepet hehehe)
Love them!!
I have 4 panty liners (2 Saffa; 2 Mollyliners) and 1 pad (fresh moon). I love the Mollyliners but I don't like Saffa. They tend to give me rash :(
So I combine the Mollyliners with Saffa, because I can't wear the Saffa all day long.
And now the menstrual pad:
I only have one and it's Fresh Moon. I wore it on my light days, and no, no, no, it didn't leak. Believe me!
But because I only have one, I still use the disposable ones and the pad was like 'wash-dry-wear' or cuci-kering-pakai hahahaha!
Akhir2 ini gue lebih seneng beli tas ketimbang kosmetik. Ntah kenapa. Gue masih dandan sih, tapi gak tertarik lagi belinya.
Gue lagi seneng beli tas belanja. Ibu gue ampe protes "kok kamu beli tas melulu sih?" dan gue jawab:
"Mam, yang jadi masalah itu kan kalau: 1) Harganya mahal, gue maksa beli; 2) Ukurannya besar, nyesek2in lemari; 3) Dibeli doang gak dipake"
Dan memang, gue rotasi tas2 belanja itu hahaha
Gue lagi seneng beli tas belanja. Ibu gue ampe protes "kok kamu beli tas melulu sih?" dan gue jawab:
"Mam, yang jadi masalah itu kan kalau: 1) Harganya mahal, gue maksa beli; 2) Ukurannya besar, nyesek2in lemari; 3) Dibeli doang gak dipake"
Dan memang, gue rotasi tas2 belanja itu hahaha
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