Thursday, March 25, 2010

Nyuntik dan Ngobat

Huahahhaa..judulnya mengerikan ya

Kemarin gue bangun tidur, langsung sadar kalau gue flu. Jadi di kantor gue ke klinik, minta obat. Standar lah, obat flu, vitamin, antibiotik.

Selain itu, gue juga suntik Vitamin C. Buat nambah daya tahan tubuh.

Mungkin orang lain nyuntik biar kulitnya bagus, kulit gue kok tadi masih dehidrasi juga ya ?? :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Posting New Articles in Web

Yesterday I was in the mood for work (!) and didn't have much time for browsing, online shopping or blogging.

But not today, hahaha..

I'm thinking about copying some of the article of this blog to my web.

And probably I'll write in both this blog and my web if I have time.

I'm better with Joomla now, but I can't say I'm good with it.

I don't know. LEt's see what happen.

Monday, March 22, 2010

20 Peritel Akan Stop Gunakan Kantong Plastik

I'm so happy to hear this...because I'll find cute (and cheaper) shopping bags :)

Sumber: VIVAnews

VIVAnews - Sedikitnya 20 peritel di Jakarta telah berkomitmen mendukung program 'Jakarta Bebas Kantong Plastik' pada 2011 mendatang. Mereka akan mulai mengurangi penggunaan kantong plastik untuk setiap kegiatannya.

"Belum bisa disebutkan nama-nama peritel tersebut. Kalau sudah lengkap dan pasti, akan diumumkan,” ujar Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, Sabtu 20 Maret 2010, seperti dikutip dari situs milik Pemerintah DKI Jakarta.

Melihat dukungan yang cukup besar dari peritel, Fauzi optimis pengurangan kantong plastik di Jakarta dapat dilaksanakan pada pertengahan tahun ini dan Jakarta bisa bebas dari kantong plastik pada 2011.

Proses sosialisasi terus dilakukan agar warga Jakarta memahami bahwa kantong plastik merupakan polutan yang sangat merusak sifatnya dalam jangka panjang.

Gubernur mengimbau warga Jakarta untuk mulai mengurangi pemakaian kantong plastik. Kontrol terhadap masyarakat bersama dengan Yayasan Lembaga Konsumen Indonesia (YLKI) dan LSM pecinta lingkungan akan segera dilakukan. Pengawasan mulai dari sumbernya yakni pabrik hingga departemen store sebagai pengguna kantong plastik kepada konsumennya.

Deputi Gubernur DKI Jakarta Bidang Tata Ruang, Ahmad Haryadi, mengatakan, pelaksanaan program pengurangan kantong plastik dimulai bersamaan dengan hari ulang tahun Jakarta yang jatuh pada Juni mendatang.

"Saat ini sedang disusun rencana aksinya. Diharapkan sudah ada langkah konkret yang dapat diluncurkan pada ulang tahun Jakarta, 22 Juni tahun ini," kata Haryadi.

Kepala Badan Pengelola Lingkungan Hidup Daerah (BPLHD) DKI Jakarta, Peni Susanti, juga mengakui saat ini sudah cukup banyak peritel yang bersedia mengurangi kantong plastik.

Peritel dan pasar-pasar tradisional di Jakarta segera melaksanakan program satu hari tanpa kantong plastik. "Program satu hari tanpa kantong plastik ini merupakan salah satu langkah awal. Kemungkinan akan dilaksanakan bulan depan atau April tahun ini," ujarnya.

Saat ini BPLHD DKI sudah menyiapkan solusi pengganti kantong plastik, yakni berupa kantong baru yang terbuat dari bahan baku yang lebih mudah terurai.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Moonlite (Cloth) Pantyliner

I ordered 6 Moonlite pantyliners from I took 2 and sell the rest.

It's made of 2 layer of fabrics, the seller asked me what kind of fabric I wanted...I don't know anything about fabric, so I answered "anything, as long it has velour on one side"

So I got 6 pantyliners, made of 12 kind of fabrics :D

Anyway, Moonlite is a pantyliner, no waterproofing, made from 2 layers of fabric.

Mine are purple (bamboo fleece + BSFT --can't find the definition of BSFT. Probably it's bamboo-S(?)-french terry) and red (bamboo velour + organic sherpa)

The red cloth is thicker than the purple one.
The purple is very very very thin. It's thinner than most of my cloth liners.

Love it!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Motorola Motozine ZN5

Photo: GSM Arena

I'm not a gadget freak, but I do have gadgets :)

I've had enough with my Nexian dual GSM-CDMA...bad signal, bad voice, the keyboard is not easy to use (to narrow) so I decided to buy a new one. Not the sophisticated one, just a regular cell phone that can be used easily to call and send text!

Then my father offered me something: he needed a CDMA handset, he'd take my Nexian and I got his Motorola ZN5.

To be honest, I didn't know the name of the Motorola until I browsed around!

It has 5MP camera. I'm not stupid and usualy I can master a cell phone without the manual book, but not this time.

I didn't read the manual book, but it took 3 days to reveal the camera 'click'. I didn't know how to take a shot!!!

Luckily I'm smart :D

The Body Shop Seaweed Series

Last week I went to TBS store in Cibubur Junction. I was looking for moisturizer because the Vitamin E moisturizer I have right now isn't enough to hydrate my skin. I purchased the serum...and some cute things!!!

They offered some travel/trial sizes: 20% discount if you buy 3. I can't resist it!!!!

First, it's Seaweed Clarifying Night Treatment.


The claim:
A light, easily absorbed, non-clogging, oil-free moisturising gel. It purifies and balances the skin in the areas you need it to most, whilst delivering essential moisture to the drier areas and essential protection for the day ahead. All this, while you sleep. Wake up to fresh, hydrated and clarified skin.

I tried it last night and I woke up with less oil in my face...
Price: IDR 28,000 for 15 ml

I also purchased Mattifying Day Cream

The claim:
An easily absorbed, non-clogging, oil-free, hydrating gel-like moisture cream. It controls excess sebum and shine whilst delivering essential moisture to areas most in need, balancing the skin throughout the day. Leaves skin feeling fresh, clean, soft and supple with a shinefree, matte complexion.

I put this thing on this morning. I'm less oily now, but it's not moisturized enough for my skin.

Price: IDR 32,000 for 15 ml

Anyway, travel sizes are great way to try on new products...

The verdict: I think those Seaweed series would work well for someone with oily skin.

(and right now, I regret I didn't buy that Vitamin E cute facial wash...)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Comments about Cloth Pad in My FB

I uploaded my new pads in FB...titled '3R Effort'.

To my surprise, two MALE friend left comments.

Mr I thought it was gross.

Mr B thought the water used to clean the pads would pollute the river. Women should use biodegradable pads.

And I replied: composting can emit GHG....we're human will always generate all I do is reducing the waste.

Then Mr B said: then you should wear cups.

LOL. I didn't expect that answer. I didn't know that he knew about (menstrual) cup!!!


this is OPI...a kitten I adopted from vet.

She loves climbing tree.she looks so happy..probably because she spent more than 1 month inside tiny cage.

she's a playful can see she plays with news paper inside her cage.


This is Koneng, Bodas' sibling


This is Ganteng, my fave cat...


Ini dia bintang kita minggu ini...Bodas...
Bodas dan Koneng adalah anaknya ibu Bonyok.
sumpah, Ja Rule banget....yang menjadikan dia sebagai cucunya Fla.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Arrival

Mama Bear cloth pads..These aren't my order. 7" menstrual/pantyliner.

Fussybutt Face Round. I'll use this for facial cotton substitution.

Fussybutt Moonlite (pantiliner) and wipes. Will keep 2 and sell the rest. Yang wipes buat sapu tangan.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quick Review of My Cloth Pads

I'm trying to make simple review of the menstrual cloth pads I have now:

Saffa pantyliners
Made of 4 layers of flannel.
Pros: thin (well, relatively); easy to clean; dry fast; affordable
Cons: at first uses I got rash. Then if became more comfortable after many many many washes :D

These are pantyliners. I even wear it on my lightest days
Pros: easy to clean; dry fast
Cons: nothing, except it's little bit bulky if you're not used with cloth pantyliner

Fussybutt Moonbow
You'll read many many good reviews on this pad, but I don't like it.
Pros: it's very thin, except the 14" pad
Cons: It takes longer time to dry after you wash it; easily stained ; the long pads (> 9" long) flip when you take off your undies.

Freshmoon AIO
Pros: The 9" pad is very very thin; relatively easy to clean; the 11" pad stays in place, not flipping around when I take off my undies.
Cons: The 11" is bulky.

Pro: the pantyliner is very very very thin. Love it! The menstrual pad is easy to clean.
Cons: the menstrual pad is very small and I use it on my lighter days. My flow goes to the wings. Also the serge around the menstrual pads touch my legs, I'm afraid it would irritate my skin. Expensive.

Honeybee Hill hemp insert pad
Pro: thin without the inserts
Cons: takes longer to dry; stained easily; bulky with the inserts in.

None of the above leak.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Duduk di Bagasi...dan Adopsi

Hari Minggu kemarin gue bawa anjing gue, Bule, ke dokter.
Di kemaluannya ada daging 'keluar', mungkin karena keseringan turun mesin jadinya longgar...

Duh, minum sari rapet aja, knape???!

Anyway, diperlukan banyak usaha untuk menangkapnya. Pertama ibu gue mencoba nangkep pas dia di depan. Tentu saja gagal dengan sukses. Jadi gue SMS dokternya

"Dok, pasien kabur. Nanti saya kabarin kalau udah ketangkep"

Akhirnya bisa juga dijebak. Dikasih makan di dalem ruang-anjing, tutup pintunya.
Ketangkep loe!!!

Bule dirantai dan...
gue gendong.

*sumpah, berat banget tuh anjing*

Wagon udah disiapin: pindahin barang ke Exe, alasin koran.

Biar Bule gak panik, gue ikutan juga duduk di bagasi wagon.

Wow, rasanya kayak naik X*ni@....goyang2!!!
BEda banget ama duduk di depan..

Belum lagi si Bule bau, ugh. Dan ada gelagat mual, mau muntah.
Yaiks...untung nggak.
Tapi gue udah persiapan perang: gue selimutin badan gue pake koran, hihihi.

Anyway, gue ke dokter hewan berasa mau arisan: si AA dan ibu gue ikutan!!

Lalu sampailah di dokter. Bule masuk kurungan, dan perhatian ibu gue tertuju pada kandang kecil berisi dua kucing, satu besar satu kecil....

"Dok, ini kenapa?"

"oh ini buat diadopsi. Ibu mau?"

Ibu gue langsung menggendong2 yang kecil. Tapi untuk kucing yang besar katanya mau ditanya ama yang ngasi.
(nah, bagian ini agak gak jelas..entah dititip entah 'dibuang', kok pake tanya2 ya padahal udah lama di klinik)

Jadilah gue pulang bawa satu kitten.
SAmpai rumah gue liat HP gue (yang ketinggalan karena kebirit2 pas bawa anjing), ada SMS dari dokter, katanya boleh diambil yang gede.

Belum sempat gue bales karena sibuk ganti baju, tiba2 dokter dateng ke rumah....bawa yang gede...

Jadilah gue adopsi dua kucing hari itu.

SAyang banget yang gede tampaknya gak betah..kata ibu gue, dia duduk terus di atas kandang gak mau makan...jadi ibu gue mencoba mindahin ke kandang yang pojok (biar gak keliatan ama kucing2 lain, bisa jadi dia stress liat kucing sebanyak itu!), eh dia malah kabur!!!

Ya sudah.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Greeneration Shopping Bag

My newest collection...

Folding bag from Greeneration. I purchased those on Eco Product Fair in JCC. The grey one is ultra-cute, about size of small plastic bag. Love it!

Friday, March 5, 2010

New Pads!!!

I'm so excited!!!
Finally my Sew Green For You pads arrived!!!!!!

Volvo 940 1/43 by Neo

Neo makes Volvo 940...1/43 scale

And it's pretty ironic since I don't have a 9 series anymore..