Yesterday I posted my Maybelline Mascara link to a friend's FB wall. She loves cosmetics and cats, so I think I should 'promote' my blog to her :)
She was a high school friend and now she lives in Germany.
Here's her comment:
"Raaa, blog isinya menarik & easy reading, gw baca2 tadi pas lg di jalan, hehehe jd lebih tau ttg elo, ternyata elo environmentalist sejati (peduli lingkungan), bravo Ra :) Gue pertama2 datang ke jerman "dipaksa" misahin sampah jd 4 macem, "dipaksa" bawa kantong belanjaan sendiri (klo lupa kudu bayar or else bete sendiri krn susah bawa belanjaan pake tangan). Lama2 jadi biasa :)"
Thanks for the 'interesting and easy reading'. I hate complaining on my blog (that's what FB for, complaining!!!) and I don't write anything 'heavy' such as politics..simply because I have no idea about it.
I also keep my sarcasm opinion to myself. Hey, this blog is public. Everyone can see this.
But I 'hate' the 'true environmentalist' comment...because I'm not.
I still pollute the air: I drive 2300 cc car (sometimes 3000 cc)....I smoke....and I still live on coffee in sachets (Good Day Choco Orange?? Yummy)...I don't do composting because it's too complicated to do in small apartment..I don't shut down my computer when I leave it...and same thing for air conditioning!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Maybelline Volum' Express Cat Eyes Mascara
Last weekend I went to Giant Cibubur, then I was attracted to Maybelline Volum' Express Cat Eyes waterproof mascara.
While many associates 'cat eyes' with something pointy at outer corner, all I can think about is one of my cats' eyes, Ganteng...who has droopy eyes :P

Now back to the review.
I don't remember the price, but it's not expensive.
(hey, I'm not a beauty blogger!)
The mascara has no bristles, instead it has comb. Similar to L'Oreal Double Extension.
The comb itself needs time to master :)
This morning I wear one coat and I love it.
With many many many uses of metal lash-comb, hahaha.
It tends making your lashes stick together, so you'll need lash comb.
Adding another coats, you'll get into trouble...
I curl my lashes before so I have lovely lashes right now.
While the comb takes times to master, the comb makes me easier to apply mascara to my lower lashes.
Then the best part: it's not hard to remove at night.
Here's the conclusion.
not expensive, nice lashes (upper and lower)...relatively easy to remove
the comb takes time to master
While many associates 'cat eyes' with something pointy at outer corner, all I can think about is one of my cats' eyes, Ganteng...who has droopy eyes :P
Now back to the review.
I don't remember the price, but it's not expensive.
(hey, I'm not a beauty blogger!)
The mascara has no bristles, instead it has comb. Similar to L'Oreal Double Extension.
The comb itself needs time to master :)
This morning I wear one coat and I love it.
With many many many uses of metal lash-comb, hahaha.
It tends making your lashes stick together, so you'll need lash comb.
Adding another coats, you'll get into trouble...
I curl my lashes before so I have lovely lashes right now.
While the comb takes times to master, the comb makes me easier to apply mascara to my lower lashes.
Then the best part: it's not hard to remove at night.
Here's the conclusion.
not expensive, nice lashes (upper and lower)...relatively easy to remove
the comb takes time to master
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Senin kemarin gue agak apes.
Pas mau pulang, wagon gue gak mau distater.
Bala bantuan datang (Si AA) tapi masalahnya tetep gak ketauan. Jadi kami putuskan untuk pulang dan manggil montir aja.
Malamnya janjian ketemu montir terus ke kantor.
Montirnya baru dateng jam 11 malem :(
Setelah ampir satu jam dikoprek2, alhamdulillah bisa idup juga. Ada kabel yang udah tua, kebakar dan putus.
Oh mobil tua..
Pas mau pulang, wagon gue gak mau distater.
Bala bantuan datang (Si AA) tapi masalahnya tetep gak ketauan. Jadi kami putuskan untuk pulang dan manggil montir aja.
Malamnya janjian ketemu montir terus ke kantor.
Montirnya baru dateng jam 11 malem :(
Setelah ampir satu jam dikoprek2, alhamdulillah bisa idup juga. Ada kabel yang udah tua, kebakar dan putus.
Oh mobil tua..
Lost in Joomla!
I have a website (, using Joomla. A friend designed that, and now I want to learn how to 'fill' it.
Gee...while it wasn't hard as I thought, definetely it's not easy to master Joomla.
I succeed to change the font: from Arial to Franklin Gothic Medium...from upper case to sentence case.
I was so proud of myself
Also using Module Manager (oh God, what's that???!) I was able to change the layout.
Then I act-smart --alias sok pintar--, made an article try to post it in front page.
I failed !!!
Gee...while it wasn't hard as I thought, definetely it's not easy to master Joomla.
I succeed to change the font: from Arial to Franklin Gothic Medium...from upper case to sentence case.
I was so proud of myself
Also using Module Manager (oh God, what's that???!) I was able to change the layout.
Then I act-smart --alias sok pintar--, made an article try to post it in front page.
I failed !!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Weekend Activities and some Teaching Lesson
I didn't do anything spectacular on weekend. Just watched DVDs...went to Plaza Cibubur and Cibubur Junction...and tought my father how to resize a picture :)
It all began with his new skill I tought last week: attaching pictures to an email :)
Then yesterday he said, "I try to upload 5 pictures but it takes forever...slow connection?"
And I asked, "you uploaded them from your camera?? No wonder...that's 2 MB each!"
Then I tought him how to resize a picture using Paint.
It all began with his new skill I tought last week: attaching pictures to an email :)
Then yesterday he said, "I try to upload 5 pictures but it takes forever...slow connection?"
And I asked, "you uploaded them from your camera?? No wonder...that's 2 MB each!"
Then I tought him how to resize a picture using Paint.
Ngegas Berlebihan, Toyota Camry Nyungsep di Pancoran

Jakarta – Sebuah Toyota Camry berwarna hitam nyungsep di trotoar di kawasan Pancoran Jakarta. Pintu depan mobil bagian pengemudi pun rusak karena tertahan pohon.
Insiden ini terjadi sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB di parkiran Gedung Korindo di dekat perempatan Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan, Sabtu (13/2/2010).
Menurut seorang saksi mata, pengendara mobil mewah bertransmisi matik ini diduga terlalu banyak menekan gas ketika mobil tengah mundur. Akibatnya mobil menerjang tembok pembatas dan langsung nyungsep di trotoar.
Laju mobil sendiri tertahan oleh pagar di sepanjang trotoar, sehingga mobil tidak mundur ke arah jalan. Pagar trotoar sendiri agak miring karena ditabrak Camry tersebut.
Karena tertahan di pagar trotoar itulah, Camry ini tidak menyebabkan kemacetan lalu lintas di kawasan Pancoran. Namun kejadian ini cukup menyita perhatian orang yang berlalu lalang di sekitar Pancoran.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Steal vs 3R Context
When it comes to price, most of the time you get what you pay for.
And if you don't, it's your bad luck :)
I splurge on shoes and leather handbag. They'll last long so I don't toss them away in 1 year.
That means I generate less waste.
Same thing when it comes to beauty. My makeup aplicators (powder puff, makeup sponge) are MAC. They last more than 2 years, compare that to IDR 5000 makeup sponges that degrade on 10th application.
I have a cheap Tammia blush brush and now they shed (they suffer hair loss hehehe) and I have to toss it away. This is when I say
"more is less...More (cost but) less (waste)"
How about my cheap -but supercute-- folding shopping bags?
Hmm..who knows how long they'd last. This is why I don't use them on heavy stuffs. For that purpose I use stronger --and uglier-- shopping bags.
Cheap top (clothes) is another story. I can give it away to my neigbour when I'm bored with them.
But there are 2 things that I don't spend my money much:
Hair elastic and cigarette lighter! Simply because I lost them everywhere..
And if you don't, it's your bad luck :)
I splurge on shoes and leather handbag. They'll last long so I don't toss them away in 1 year.
That means I generate less waste.
Same thing when it comes to beauty. My makeup aplicators (powder puff, makeup sponge) are MAC. They last more than 2 years, compare that to IDR 5000 makeup sponges that degrade on 10th application.
I have a cheap Tammia blush brush and now they shed (they suffer hair loss hehehe) and I have to toss it away. This is when I say
"more is less...More (cost but) less (waste)"
How about my cheap -but supercute-- folding shopping bags?
Hmm..who knows how long they'd last. This is why I don't use them on heavy stuffs. For that purpose I use stronger --and uglier-- shopping bags.
Cheap top (clothes) is another story. I can give it away to my neigbour when I'm bored with them.
But there are 2 things that I don't spend my money much:
Hair elastic and cigarette lighter! Simply because I lost them everywhere..
Ih Norak Deh....
Minggu ini gue mendapat DUA pengetahuan baru.
Gue baru tau kalau mindahin foto dari kamera gak perlu selalu pakai kabel....melainkan bisa nyolok memory card langsung ke PC.
Memalukan ya
Gue baru tahu kalau Paint bisa dipakai buat ngecilin size foto...Si AA yang ngajarin, hahaha.
Ini lebih memalukan
Sehubungan dengan itu, gue gak lagi bawa kamera (dan kabel) ke kantor kalau gue moto paginya...cukup gue ambil memory card-nya masukin plastik bekas obat dari apotek.
Lalu sehubungan dengan kenorakan nomor 2, ketimbang upload dua foto kalau mau mamerin folding bag, gue ngecilin foto dan gue insert di foto lainnya. Hehehee.
Ini motret pagi2. Hasil dari dua ilmu baru (plus tas lipet terbaru) adalah seperti ini..
Gue baru tau kalau mindahin foto dari kamera gak perlu selalu pakai kabel....melainkan bisa nyolok memory card langsung ke PC.
Memalukan ya
Gue baru tahu kalau Paint bisa dipakai buat ngecilin size foto...Si AA yang ngajarin, hahaha.
Ini lebih memalukan
Sehubungan dengan itu, gue gak lagi bawa kamera (dan kabel) ke kantor kalau gue moto paginya...cukup gue ambil memory card-nya masukin plastik bekas obat dari apotek.
Lalu sehubungan dengan kenorakan nomor 2, ketimbang upload dua foto kalau mau mamerin folding bag, gue ngecilin foto dan gue insert di foto lainnya. Hehehee.
Ini motret pagi2. Hasil dari dua ilmu baru (plus tas lipet terbaru) adalah seperti ini..
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
If You're Interested in Cloth...
then you should read this if you're confused with fabrics:
Ladies, Please Don't Leave Your Handbag
Tadi pagi gue baca di milis, temen gue istrinya kehilangan tas gara2 ada motor yang bilang ada sesuatu di ban, jadi dia minggir...lengah dan tasnya diambil.
Hmm..gue pernah ngalamin yang kayak gini nih. Motor mepet2 gue dari kanan, nunjuk2 ban blakang. Untung gue cuek. Alhamdulillah masih dilindungi Allah.
Lalu beberapa minggu lalu temen kantor gue kehilangan dompet pas di salon..dia mau ke lantai 2 ninggalin tasnya, pikir ada temennya eh temennya lagi dikramas, hilanglah dompetnya.
Alhamdulillah gue belum pernah ngalamin kehilangan dompet dan tas. Jika di tempat umum, gue agak paranoid. No, I don't bring lots of cash, but I can't loose my ID and license!!
Ketika di salon, tas gue taro di meja depan gue, resleting tertutup dan HP dipegang. Ketika keramas pun tas gue bawa, gue pangku.
Emang sih repot, tapi gue menghilangkan resiko dompet gue diambil.
Demikian juga ketika isi bensin. Bukan cuma dompet yang gue bawa, sama tas2nya pun gue bawa.
Dan mungkin kalau pas gue bawa laptop, mobil gue kunci. namun saat ini barang2 di mobil gue --selain handbag-- tidak ada yang berharga....
Cuma tas fitnes dan peralatan 3R :P
Hmm..gue pernah ngalamin yang kayak gini nih. Motor mepet2 gue dari kanan, nunjuk2 ban blakang. Untung gue cuek. Alhamdulillah masih dilindungi Allah.
Lalu beberapa minggu lalu temen kantor gue kehilangan dompet pas di salon..dia mau ke lantai 2 ninggalin tasnya, pikir ada temennya eh temennya lagi dikramas, hilanglah dompetnya.
Alhamdulillah gue belum pernah ngalamin kehilangan dompet dan tas. Jika di tempat umum, gue agak paranoid. No, I don't bring lots of cash, but I can't loose my ID and license!!
Ketika di salon, tas gue taro di meja depan gue, resleting tertutup dan HP dipegang. Ketika keramas pun tas gue bawa, gue pangku.
Emang sih repot, tapi gue menghilangkan resiko dompet gue diambil.
Demikian juga ketika isi bensin. Bukan cuma dompet yang gue bawa, sama tas2nya pun gue bawa.
Dan mungkin kalau pas gue bawa laptop, mobil gue kunci. namun saat ini barang2 di mobil gue --selain handbag-- tidak ada yang berharga....
Cuma tas fitnes dan peralatan 3R :P
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Simple Calculation of Cloth Pantyliner
oh, this is odd.
I switch to cloth for environment, not for savings.
But I think I should make simple calculation on how much I can save on using cloth.
This is based on my needs so probably it won't suit you :)
I'm moslem so I change pantyliner 2-3 times a day because I have to be clean for praying. Yes, even a tiniest spot is considered dirty, so I have to change it.
Here's the assumption I use:
Having period of 6 days; the cost of disposable is constant all year long; 1 month = 30 days.
So I'll begin the calculation. Using disposable pantyliner will be:
24 days/month x 3 pads/day x 12 months = 864 pads/year.
Wow!!! You'll throw 864 pads per year!!!
And now I feel terribly guilty of generating such waste before I switched to cloth..
And if the cost of 20 pieces of C*refree is IDR 5000, you'll spend IDR 216,000 per year.
Now compare it to the cheapest cloth pantyliner I know, made by 4 layers of flannels. It costs RM 10 each in Tiny Tapir site. With shipping cost USD 7.5 , let's just say it costs IDR 37,500 in Indonesia.
With my needs, I'll need about 6 liners. So I'll spend
6 pads x 37,500 = IDR 225,000
It's slightly more expensive than the disposable, but the pads will last you 3-5 years!
--even if you had bad-quality pantyliner, you'll reduce 864 reusables per year--
And if you can sew, you can make it on your own...and cut more expenses.
I switch to cloth for environment, not for savings.
But I think I should make simple calculation on how much I can save on using cloth.
This is based on my needs so probably it won't suit you :)
I'm moslem so I change pantyliner 2-3 times a day because I have to be clean for praying. Yes, even a tiniest spot is considered dirty, so I have to change it.
Here's the assumption I use:
Having period of 6 days; the cost of disposable is constant all year long; 1 month = 30 days.
So I'll begin the calculation. Using disposable pantyliner will be:
24 days/month x 3 pads/day x 12 months = 864 pads/year.
Wow!!! You'll throw 864 pads per year!!!
And now I feel terribly guilty of generating such waste before I switched to cloth..
And if the cost of 20 pieces of C*refree is IDR 5000, you'll spend IDR 216,000 per year.
Now compare it to the cheapest cloth pantyliner I know, made by 4 layers of flannels. It costs RM 10 each in Tiny Tapir site. With shipping cost USD 7.5 , let's just say it costs IDR 37,500 in Indonesia.
With my needs, I'll need about 6 liners. So I'll spend
6 pads x 37,500 = IDR 225,000
It's slightly more expensive than the disposable, but the pads will last you 3-5 years!
--even if you had bad-quality pantyliner, you'll reduce 864 reusables per year--
And if you can sew, you can make it on your own...and cut more expenses.
Kabur, Kamu Kok Bobo di Dalem?
Piggy Bag
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tragedi Pembunuhan!!!
Ibu gue kecolongan.
Mama lupa kalau Luka adalah kucing buas yang masih sering membunuh!!!
Mama menemukan bayinya Weyce di halaman dan terluka..
Ah siapa lagi kalau bukan Luka yang makan?! Mino dikandangin jadi tersangkanya hanya Luka.
Ohya, yang dibunuh hanya yang laki. Yang perempuan gak disentuh.
Namun bukan berarti semua aman. Akibat kesalahan satu asisten --yang tidak biasa menangani kucing-- Mino berhasil keluar kandang dan menggondol bayinya Weyce ke kandangnya!!!
Kucing gue ganas2 sama bayi.
Untung gak mati, mungkin udah kegedean buat dibunuh (kulit dan tulangnya udah kekerasan buat dimakan), tapi tampaknya anak Weyce gak akan survive karena memang tidak sehat.
Mama lupa kalau Luka adalah kucing buas yang masih sering membunuh!!!
Mama menemukan bayinya Weyce di halaman dan terluka..
Ah siapa lagi kalau bukan Luka yang makan?! Mino dikandangin jadi tersangkanya hanya Luka.
Ohya, yang dibunuh hanya yang laki. Yang perempuan gak disentuh.
Namun bukan berarti semua aman. Akibat kesalahan satu asisten --yang tidak biasa menangani kucing-- Mino berhasil keluar kandang dan menggondol bayinya Weyce ke kandangnya!!!
Kucing gue ganas2 sama bayi.
Untung gak mati, mungkin udah kegedean buat dibunuh (kulit dan tulangnya udah kekerasan buat dimakan), tapi tampaknya anak Weyce gak akan survive karena memang tidak sehat.
Friday, February 5, 2010
How to Stay Awake from 9 to 5
Thursday, February 4, 2010

I took the picture from Etsy
Yeah, I washed them yesterday...after showing them off!! :)
I ordered The Sample Pack from Etsy. The pack contains 1 pantyliner, 1 regular absorbency, 1 extra absorbent and 1 extra long pad. To my surprise they all are 7.5" long and the extra long is only 10". Compare that to my 14" Moonbow!!!
I think I'll like this one: they dry fast!!!
Epicerma has different design than other AIOs (all in one). The wing is just wing, not an extender from the body.
The good part? It's not bulky at all, since --in my experience-- the wings that make the bulky-feeling.
The bad part? I'm affraid it would leak because it has no waterproofing and gee, the width is only 2.5".
Using other AIO pads, when it's time to change the pads, I snap it and put in the plastic bag. But using Epicerma needs more effort. The snap placement in the wings make it harder to fold the dirty pad neatly.
and oh yeah, it's expensive for a 'simple' design with no waterproofing material.
We'll what happen next. I'll write more reviews.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Minggu lalu gue sakit.
Lebih tepatnya, hari ini (Rabu 3 Feb) adalah hari pertama gue ngantor setelah Senin-Selasanya gue sakit.
Sakit dimulai dari Rabu minggu lalu. Sakit perut. Kayak masuk angin, tapi gak ada angin yang bisa dikeluarkan. sakit bo'
Keluhan kedua adalah meriang dan pusing yang tidak kunjung hilang.
Perlu gue syukuri, walau sakit tapi sakitnya gak sakit2 amat. Cuma weekend kemarin gue tidur melulu, jauh lebih banyak dari biasanya.
Jumat pulang kantor gue ke klinik dekat rumah. Tampaknya gue mengalami sesuatu di usus...dan maap gue lupa tepatnya: Infeksi? Luka? Who knows...
Gue sampai tes darah hari Senin karena takut tipus.
Ketakutan akan tipus juga membuat gue makan bubur. Hihihi..
Alhamdulillah trombosit normal, tipus negatif, hanya ada tanda2 infeksi ringan.
ADanya infeksi di pencernaan selalu membuat dokter berasumsi "suka makan pedas?"
Kenyataannya gue makan pedas dengan kadar yang normal (pake sambel, tapi sedikit aja yang penting ada pedas2nya dikit), gue gak makan yang terlalu berminyak, dan semua ini membuat gue menuding satu kebiasaan gue:
jamu pelangsing!!!!!!
Tampaknya hanya itu yang bisa gue salahkan karena kebiasaan makan cukup baik (teratur, tidak terlalu banyak, tidak terlalu pedas/berminyak).
Lebih tepatnya, hari ini (Rabu 3 Feb) adalah hari pertama gue ngantor setelah Senin-Selasanya gue sakit.
Sakit dimulai dari Rabu minggu lalu. Sakit perut. Kayak masuk angin, tapi gak ada angin yang bisa dikeluarkan. sakit bo'
Keluhan kedua adalah meriang dan pusing yang tidak kunjung hilang.
Perlu gue syukuri, walau sakit tapi sakitnya gak sakit2 amat. Cuma weekend kemarin gue tidur melulu, jauh lebih banyak dari biasanya.
Jumat pulang kantor gue ke klinik dekat rumah. Tampaknya gue mengalami sesuatu di usus...dan maap gue lupa tepatnya: Infeksi? Luka? Who knows...
Gue sampai tes darah hari Senin karena takut tipus.
Ketakutan akan tipus juga membuat gue makan bubur. Hihihi..
Alhamdulillah trombosit normal, tipus negatif, hanya ada tanda2 infeksi ringan.
ADanya infeksi di pencernaan selalu membuat dokter berasumsi "suka makan pedas?"
Kenyataannya gue makan pedas dengan kadar yang normal (pake sambel, tapi sedikit aja yang penting ada pedas2nya dikit), gue gak makan yang terlalu berminyak, dan semua ini membuat gue menuding satu kebiasaan gue:
jamu pelangsing!!!!!!
Tampaknya hanya itu yang bisa gue salahkan karena kebiasaan makan cukup baik (teratur, tidak terlalu banyak, tidak terlalu pedas/berminyak).
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