I love Lady Gaga. She does everything to the max. Video to the max. That's including sexiness to the max :)
I really really love Telephone. It breaks my heart that I can't sing right now. Well, I'm so glad I still can whisper -not talk- but still, I want my voice back :(
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Recovery Update
The scars looks better...I don't wear scarf to conceal them. I don't care anymore. It's part of me and something I have to live with.
The wound still hurts sometimes...not terrible pain, but yes it still hurts once in a while.
My neck still hurts to touch. Cleaning up my neck at night is such a challenge, so I don't put much foundation and powder on my neck.
The worst part?
It's been THREE weeks and I still can't speak normally!!!
But at least I still can talk...
The wound still hurts sometimes...not terrible pain, but yes it still hurts once in a while.
My neck still hurts to touch. Cleaning up my neck at night is such a challenge, so I don't put much foundation and powder on my neck.
The worst part?
It's been THREE weeks and I still can't speak normally!!!
But at least I still can talk...
Monday, May 24, 2010
My New Envirosax!!
I just got a gorgeous Envirosax bag..

Photo: www.reusablebags.com
The material is similiar with my cheaper (probably made in China) folding bags, but I believe Envirosax was made with much environmental concern :)
And it's bigger than my cheap bags.

Photo: www.reusablebags.com
The material is similiar with my cheaper (probably made in China) folding bags, but I believe Envirosax was made with much environmental concern :)
And it's bigger than my cheap bags.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Morning Ritual
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Story About Suzuki
I got this from a mailing list. Enjoy
First day of school in an American high school in Washington DC. The teacher introduces the new kid, Suzuki Yamaguchi from Japan to the rest of the class. As the class start, the teacher says:
"Let's start with a small quiz in American history". Who said "Freedom or death?" Suddenly silence and only Suzuki raises his hand:
"Patrick Henry, 1775. in Philadelphia."
"Very good Suzuki". And who said: "The nation is it's people and as such can never die?"
Suzuki raises his hand again:
"Abraham Lincoln, 1863, Washington."
The teacher looks at her students and says:
"Shame on you, Suzuki is a Japanese and know American history better than you."
A silent voice from the back of the class:
"Go f*ck yourselves, sh*tty Japanese"
"Who said that!?", yells the teacher.
Suzuki raises his hand and says:
"General MacArthur, 1942, Guadalcanalu, and Lee Iacocca 1982 at the Chrysler management board meeting, Detroit."
The class is in silence and you can again hear a silent voice:
"Suck my c*ck!!!"
The teacher is furious:
"I've had enough. Who said that?"
"Bill Clinton to Monica Levinsky, Oval Office, 1997 in Washington."
Another voice yells:
"Suzuki is sh*t!"
"Valentino Rossi in Rio de Janeiro at the Brazil moto Grand-Prix in 2002."
The class goes wild, the teacher starts crying, and in walks to the school Principal she said:
"What the hell is going on?, I am going to quit !!"
"Sri Mulyani, Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2010 when KPK auditors were in her office..!!".
First day of school in an American high school in Washington DC. The teacher introduces the new kid, Suzuki Yamaguchi from Japan to the rest of the class. As the class start, the teacher says:
"Let's start with a small quiz in American history". Who said "Freedom or death?" Suddenly silence and only Suzuki raises his hand:
"Patrick Henry, 1775. in Philadelphia."
"Very good Suzuki". And who said: "The nation is it's people and as such can never die?"
Suzuki raises his hand again:
"Abraham Lincoln, 1863, Washington."
The teacher looks at her students and says:
"Shame on you, Suzuki is a Japanese and know American history better than you."
A silent voice from the back of the class:
"Go f*ck yourselves, sh*tty Japanese"
"Who said that!?", yells the teacher.
Suzuki raises his hand and says:
"General MacArthur, 1942, Guadalcanalu, and Lee Iacocca 1982 at the Chrysler management board meeting, Detroit."
The class is in silence and you can again hear a silent voice:
"Suck my c*ck!!!"
The teacher is furious:
"I've had enough. Who said that?"
"Bill Clinton to Monica Levinsky, Oval Office, 1997 in Washington."
Another voice yells:
"Suzuki is sh*t!"
"Valentino Rossi in Rio de Janeiro at the Brazil moto Grand-Prix in 2002."
The class goes wild, the teacher starts crying, and in walks to the school Principal she said:
"What the hell is going on?, I am going to quit !!"
"Sri Mulyani, Ministry of Finance, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2010 when KPK auditors were in her office..!!".
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Hari Pertama ngantor
Halah, kayak apaan aja.
Hari ini adalah hari pertama gue ngantor setelah dua minggu lalu gue di RS dan di Cibubur.
Alhamdulillah gue udah bisa nyupir, tp rasanya masih kleyengan dikit.
Mungkin bukan karena recovery, melainkan gue insomnia semalam, hihihi..
Namun gue juga gak akan bilang gue fit total. Gimanapun 'daleman' masih luka, pasti ada proses recovery.
Walau gak begitu sakit lukanya, kadang clekit2 juga. Dan gue makan semua yang gue mau tanpa berat badan gue naik.
Tapi perut gue kok tetep buncit ya :(
Hari ini adalah hari pertama gue ngantor setelah dua minggu lalu gue di RS dan di Cibubur.
Alhamdulillah gue udah bisa nyupir, tp rasanya masih kleyengan dikit.
Mungkin bukan karena recovery, melainkan gue insomnia semalam, hihihi..
Namun gue juga gak akan bilang gue fit total. Gimanapun 'daleman' masih luka, pasti ada proses recovery.
Walau gak begitu sakit lukanya, kadang clekit2 juga. Dan gue makan semua yang gue mau tanpa berat badan gue naik.
Tapi perut gue kok tetep buncit ya :(
Friday, May 14, 2010
Some Surgery Preparation, What You Should Bring
I won't talk about anything medical, just something silly, but I hope, useful during your hospital stay.
I can't talk about other surgery, I just talk about thyroid surgery.
It's very useful to bring plastic hair clip...I forgot mine and ended up using rubberband for my hair during bath!!
I had a kimono 'uniform'. It's not cotton, it's slipping away all the time. I wish I bring a brooch...or a safety pin to avoid wardrobe malfunction :)
With all those pipes and bandage, I wasn't able to wash my hair...so prepare yourself to have dirty bloody hair (literally speaking)
Bring disposable undies. Hospital is not a place to think about 3R :D
Bring a facial cleanser and facial cotton. I didn't have the energy to wash my face, so I cleaned it with facial lotion (mine was Ovale)
I can't talk about other surgery, I just talk about thyroid surgery.
It's very useful to bring plastic hair clip...I forgot mine and ended up using rubberband for my hair during bath!!
I had a kimono 'uniform'. It's not cotton, it's slipping away all the time. I wish I bring a brooch...or a safety pin to avoid wardrobe malfunction :)
With all those pipes and bandage, I wasn't able to wash my hair...so prepare yourself to have dirty bloody hair (literally speaking)
Bring disposable undies. Hospital is not a place to think about 3R :D
Bring a facial cleanser and facial cotton. I didn't have the energy to wash my face, so I cleaned it with facial lotion (mine was Ovale)
Cerita Operasi Tiroid
Sejak 2008 gue sadar kalau leher gue ada benjolannya. Hal ini tidak begitu menakutkan karena ibu gue juga 'gondokan' dan udah dioperasi. Juga bude gue. Juga mbah. So it's genetic.
Gue gak tau urut2annya benar atau nggak, karena tante gue dokter dan gue dibawa ke temen2nya aja, jadi bisa jadi harusnya gak begitu, heheh.
Pertama, gue ke dokter penyakit dalam. Dia suruh USG dan tes hormon.
Hasil USG menunjukkan bahwa ada kista. Hasil hormon normal
Gue tidak akan panjang lebar ttg kedokteran, simply because I'm not interested on my sickness. FYI, benjolan di leher macam2 bentuk dan jenisnya. ADa yang cairan dan bisa disedot doang, ada yang harus dioperasi.
Urusan perdokteran ini agak tertunda karena gue sering ke luar kota dan tante gue sibuk..sampai tahun 2010 ini.
Gue rasakan bahwa gue semakin sering sakit. Flu. Batuk. Endless sickness. Memalukan.
Analisis sederhananya adalah benjolan di leher gue ini bikin gue jadi sakit2an.
Berhubung jenis yg ada di leher gue gak bisa dikempesin, gue harus ke dokter bedah
Akhirnya April lalu gue ke polibedah tumor di sebuah RS pemerintah di Jakarta PUsat.
Mengapa RS pemerintah? Simple. Karena tante gue kenal dokter2 di sana. Dan gue pengen pake Askes gue.
Oya, sblm operasi gue harus USG, foto thorax, dan tes darah.
Rencana operasi akhir April tertunda karena gue kena diare hebat. Dashyat. Gue curiga itu stress, tp kayaknya nggak deh, soale orang2 kantor gue pada diare juga :D
Jadi akhirnya gue masuk RS tanggal 3 Mei 2010. Kamar VIP. Hari pertama check in, tentu masih sehat. Gue masih sempat bawa proyek gue --tas peyek--, hehhe.
Besoknya, 4 Mei, operasi. Gue inget didorong pake kursi roda ke ruang operasi, ganti baju, tiduran di bed, ditempel2in alat di dada, dan...
...gue gak inget lagi sesudahnya :D
Ternyata benjolan di leher gue itu ganas. So they removed both my thyroid glands. Operasi berjalan selama hampir 4 jam, dan gue inget munt@h di recovery room. Dua kali. hehehe
Sayang sekali, RS pemerintah memang tidak care dengan pihak keluarga. Gak ada yang ngasih tau keluarga gue bahwa gue udah kelar operasi. Kasian mereka nunggu gue ampir 5 jam dengan khawatir. Jadi tante gue yang nanya ke dokter anestesinya!!!
Apa rasanya operasi?
Sakitnya gak sakit2 amat. Percayalah. Tapi besiaplah untuk kerusakan suara (akibat syaraf ketarik2,semoga gak permanen) dan kesulitan minum...
Malam setelah operasi, gue beraktivitas di tempat tidur. Blm bisa bangun, pusing banget abis dibius.
Hari kedua, menelan makanan agak sakit, tp makan bubur bisa lah. Gue jg udah berani jalan ke kamar mandi. Dengan menenteng2 infus dan drain tentu saja, di-escort suster. Gue minum pake sendok.
Hari ketiga? Gue mulai mellow. Gue nangis waktu Si AA ninggalin gue (kerja bo), hihihi...Tapi overall gue gak sakit. Gue lupa2 inget, tp tampaknya gue udah berani ke kamar mandi sendiri...ohya, minum masih pake sendok.
Hari Keempat gue udah agak bahagia karena udah bisa macem2..termasuk bisa menikmati Farmville :D Minum juga udah pake gelas walau pelan2...soale sering keselek :D
Hari kelima adalah hari yang membahagiakan. Karena gue udah bisa menelan dengan baik, gue bisa minum obat pake air. Yang berarti infus gue bisa dilepas!!! Huhuy. Drain juga udah nyaris kering, bisa dilepas.
Hari Sabtu gue pulang ke rumah....Senangnya!
Gue gak tau urut2annya benar atau nggak, karena tante gue dokter dan gue dibawa ke temen2nya aja, jadi bisa jadi harusnya gak begitu, heheh.
Pertama, gue ke dokter penyakit dalam. Dia suruh USG dan tes hormon.
Hasil USG menunjukkan bahwa ada kista. Hasil hormon normal
Gue tidak akan panjang lebar ttg kedokteran, simply because I'm not interested on my sickness. FYI, benjolan di leher macam2 bentuk dan jenisnya. ADa yang cairan dan bisa disedot doang, ada yang harus dioperasi.
Urusan perdokteran ini agak tertunda karena gue sering ke luar kota dan tante gue sibuk..sampai tahun 2010 ini.
Gue rasakan bahwa gue semakin sering sakit. Flu. Batuk. Endless sickness. Memalukan.
Analisis sederhananya adalah benjolan di leher gue ini bikin gue jadi sakit2an.
Berhubung jenis yg ada di leher gue gak bisa dikempesin, gue harus ke dokter bedah
Akhirnya April lalu gue ke polibedah tumor di sebuah RS pemerintah di Jakarta PUsat.
Mengapa RS pemerintah? Simple. Karena tante gue kenal dokter2 di sana. Dan gue pengen pake Askes gue.
Oya, sblm operasi gue harus USG, foto thorax, dan tes darah.
Rencana operasi akhir April tertunda karena gue kena diare hebat. Dashyat. Gue curiga itu stress, tp kayaknya nggak deh, soale orang2 kantor gue pada diare juga :D
Jadi akhirnya gue masuk RS tanggal 3 Mei 2010. Kamar VIP. Hari pertama check in, tentu masih sehat. Gue masih sempat bawa proyek gue --tas peyek--, hehhe.
Besoknya, 4 Mei, operasi. Gue inget didorong pake kursi roda ke ruang operasi, ganti baju, tiduran di bed, ditempel2in alat di dada, dan...
...gue gak inget lagi sesudahnya :D
Ternyata benjolan di leher gue itu ganas. So they removed both my thyroid glands. Operasi berjalan selama hampir 4 jam, dan gue inget munt@h di recovery room. Dua kali. hehehe
Sayang sekali, RS pemerintah memang tidak care dengan pihak keluarga. Gak ada yang ngasih tau keluarga gue bahwa gue udah kelar operasi. Kasian mereka nunggu gue ampir 5 jam dengan khawatir. Jadi tante gue yang nanya ke dokter anestesinya!!!
Apa rasanya operasi?
Sakitnya gak sakit2 amat. Percayalah. Tapi besiaplah untuk kerusakan suara (akibat syaraf ketarik2,semoga gak permanen) dan kesulitan minum...
Malam setelah operasi, gue beraktivitas di tempat tidur. Blm bisa bangun, pusing banget abis dibius.
Hari kedua, menelan makanan agak sakit, tp makan bubur bisa lah. Gue jg udah berani jalan ke kamar mandi. Dengan menenteng2 infus dan drain tentu saja, di-escort suster. Gue minum pake sendok.
Hari ketiga? Gue mulai mellow. Gue nangis waktu Si AA ninggalin gue (kerja bo), hihihi...Tapi overall gue gak sakit. Gue lupa2 inget, tp tampaknya gue udah berani ke kamar mandi sendiri...ohya, minum masih pake sendok.
Hari Keempat gue udah agak bahagia karena udah bisa macem2..termasuk bisa menikmati Farmville :D Minum juga udah pake gelas walau pelan2...soale sering keselek :D
Hari kelima adalah hari yang membahagiakan. Karena gue udah bisa menelan dengan baik, gue bisa minum obat pake air. Yang berarti infus gue bisa dilepas!!! Huhuy. Drain juga udah nyaris kering, bisa dilepas.
Hari Sabtu gue pulang ke rumah....Senangnya!
This is Me Now
This is not a good picture of me, but this is how I look now.
Check out my cool scars!!!

With those scars....
Do I still feel pretty?
Probably I wear turtle neck to avoid annoying question.
For instance, not everybody aware that thyroid problem is genetic. I got comments like
"You should take Iodium salt"
"You should drink mineral water"
"You smoked too much"
Yes it's true. But probably I'd have cancer without smoking anyway.
It's pretty annoying, for me, right now.
Check out my cool scars!!!
With those scars....
Do I still feel pretty?
Probably I wear turtle neck to avoid annoying question.
For instance, not everybody aware that thyroid problem is genetic. I got comments like
"You should take Iodium salt"
"You should drink mineral water"
"You smoked too much"
Yes it's true. But probably I'd have cancer without smoking anyway.
It's pretty annoying, for me, right now.
Un-glamorous Picture
These are my pics on my lowest days...I was hospitalized for a week:(

You can see my cool 'pipes' hehehe

You can see my cool 'pipes' hehehe
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I'm 32 and I Had Cancer
I have a perfect combination of bad genetics and bad habit. Twelve years of smoking gave a bad result: I had thyroid cancer.
So, I quit smoking.
to be honest, the pain wasn't too bad. Seriously.
It's the hospital bill that shocked me!!!!
Hahaha. But I'm serious.
I don't think I can afford (to pay treatment for)another cancer.
So, I quit smoking.
to be honest, the pain wasn't too bad. Seriously.
It's the hospital bill that shocked me!!!!
Hahaha. But I'm serious.
I don't think I can afford (to pay treatment for)another cancer.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Cats....part V
Welly...one of VIP cat

Our bombshell Tupan. Boys love her.

Very light handed (a.k.a slaps everybody) Sruntul

Ruko. I found her in 'ruko' Kranggan.

When he arrived, he was so confident we had to call him PD
Our bombshell Tupan. Boys love her.
Very light handed (a.k.a slaps everybody) Sruntul
Ruko. I found her in 'ruko' Kranggan.
When he arrived, he was so confident we had to call him PD
Cats....part IV
Another dominant male...Nero, son of our beloved late Pitjil

Unhealthy cat, MJ

Mino the baby eater.

Our wounded cat, Luka

Another unhealthy cat Loleng
Unhealthy cat, MJ
Mino the baby eater.
Our wounded cat, Luka
Another unhealthy cat Loleng
Cats....part III
Pucat..another kit we found in our yard, suddenly came from nowhere

Koneng. Arrived together with Pucat

Kendul, one of the dominant male

Mas Kabur...he's the king now

Juwita...she's not too gorge anyway :)
Koneng. Arrived together with Pucat
Kendul, one of the dominant male
Mas Kabur...he's the king now
Juwita...she's not too gorge anyway :)
Cats....part II
Iput..another spoiled cat with VIP food

Ici and her babies. She has 4 kits

Gorgeous black Ibot

My favorite Ganteng

Unhealthy (but survived) Cindo
Ici and her babies. She has 4 kits
Gorgeous black Ibot
My favorite Ganteng
Unhealthy (but survived) Cindo
Cats....part I
Our Dogs
these are my dogs, without Bagong. He wasn't there during photo session :)
Stupid dog, Bingo. He's Bule's pup.

New pups..no name yet. A neighbor found him in illegal landfil.

Kirik, with her 7 babies!

Coki and his cool ear....a dog bite his ear during a fight, I guess

Bule, the queen. Mother of Bagong and Bingo

Bingo and new pup
Stupid dog, Bingo. He's Bule's pup.
New pups..no name yet. A neighbor found him in illegal landfil.
Kirik, with her 7 babies!
Coki and his cool ear....a dog bite his ear during a fight, I guess
Bule, the queen. Mother of Bagong and Bingo
Bingo and new pup
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