Monday, December 19, 2011

Benefit Chacha Tint

Right now I'm little bit obsessed with lipstain, so when my aunt went to Malaysia, I asked her to get me a lipstain.

She bought me Benefit Chacha Tint (and got herself a Benetint).

FYI, Benefit is not available in Indonesia at the time of writing.

What is a Chacha Tint? It's "This mango-tinted stain beautifully blushes lips & cheeks with a tropical sunset hue. Smooch-proof & smudge-proof, this sheer stain will have you looking deliciously sun-kissed for hours." according to the company.

It took many trial and (LOTS of) error to apply this product.

First, I dot it on my cheek, closed the caps, then worked on my right cheek first,then my left.

BIG mistake.

I got streak on my left cheek!!
At that time I realized that this product absorbed very very quickly. So now I can give you tips to apply the tint:

Open the cap, dot it on one side of your cheek, then blend immediately. Dot the other cheek and blend right away.
Then you can close the cap.

Beautifuly flushed-cheek that lasts all day long!!

This is me wearing the tint. Please pay attention on my blush. I look fresh-er with this.

PS: don't forget to wash your hand after wearing this pigmented tint!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pixy Color of Delight: Eyeliner and Eyebrow Pencil

Right now I'm interested on local product. Simply because they're cheaper, hehehe. Affordable cosmetics are something good when it comes to something we dont' use everyday, such as bright eyeliner.

I saw Pixy Color of Delight cosmetics in Hypermart. I was interested on their eyeliner because it seemed cute. According the website Mandom Indonesia Tbk this product is "multifunction pencil that can be used as eyeliner and eyeshadow. Available in white, maroon and green". Mine was green.

What they didn't mention is that this pencil had glitter...and also super long lasting. I washed my face many, many times that day and the green liner stayed. Well, not the glitter.

The second product I have is an eyebrow pencil. It's black.
I noticed my eyebrow became thinner since the chemotherapy, so my dark brown Revlon eyebrow pencil no longer natural on my eyebrow since it created reddish brown eyebrow! I don't want something expensive, hopefully my eyebrow will grow back after the chemo :)
The Pixy pencil is a good product. Not too hard, not too soft for eyebrow pencil. I love it. I mix it with my Revlon.

Probably because its dark color, I think it lasts longer than the dark brown Revlon.

I don't remember the price (both eyeliner and eyebrow pencil!), but I think it costs less than IDR 40,000.

Bottom line: Indonesian cosmetics have good quality these days, but I haven't found good local foundation. Yet.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Leukosit, up up up!!

Setelah 3x kemo, badan gue mulai ngadat. Rasanya gak kenapa2, hanya kadang2 pusing, namun hasil lab gak boong. Leukosit gue rendah, di bawah 2000. Setelah konsultasi dengan dokter, akhirnya Kamis 29 Sep kemarin gue suntik Leukokine.

Apakah itu Leukokine?
Gue gak tau. Dan gak nyari tau.
Pokoknya suntik. Berharap besoknya udah seger.

Ah harapan palsu.

Pulangnya, gue mulai merasa suara gue serak, dan tenggorokan agak 'tebal' ketika menelan. Abis itu gue mulai meler...tapi mungkin alergi ya karena udah mulai musim ujan..

Besoknya (Jumat) rasanya gak enak badan, tapi hidup masih normal.
normal ala dikemo, maksud gue...

Sabtunya gue tumbang. Bener2 tumbang. Tidur terus, cuman bangun buat makan dan keperluan2 penting lainnya. Gue baru bisa duduk depan tivi sekitar jam 17. Kucing gue aja kalah banyak tidurnya...

Hari minggu kembali normal. Rasa2 lemas, mual dan pusing berkurang. Asik, besok bisa ngantor.....

.....dan kembali harapan gue pupus karena hari Senin gue tumbang lagi dengan sukses!

Ohya, tulisan ini bukan analisis dokter lho...itu hanya apa yang gue rasakan setelah suntik leukokine...bisa jadi sebenernya gue flu tapi momennya bertepatan dengan leukokine, hehehe.

Paling penting adalah setelah suntik, leukosit gue naik dari 1800 ke 9600. Horeeee!!!


Finally...that day. The day I went bald. Once again, I cried. But life goes I have scarfs, headwear, hats to play with :)

I also played with my makeup. I wear bold colors..I highlight and contour my face...I think I look like a drag queen :)

This is me with mini bucket...isn't it cute? (the bucket, not me)

..with red lipstick...

And on a meeting, wearing my favorite headwear.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Musim Gugur...di Kepalaku

Bagi pembaca yang belum mengenal gue, harus gue umumkan bahwa gue orangnya logis..namun namanya manusia, tentu punya perasaan...jadi kadang logika jebol juga kalau lagi 'patah hati'.

Selaku seorang pasien yang sedang menjalankan kemoterapi, gue sudah sadar bahwa gue akan banyak kehilangan rambut...jadi sehari sebelum Kemo I gue udah gunting rambut cukup drastis, dengan harapan gue gak kaget.

Namun harapan tinggal harapan. Ketika hari Jumat (19 Agustus), tepat dua minggu setelah Kemo I, rambut gue rontok dengan dashyat, gue nangis...meratapi rambut2 gue yang berguguran..menangis sembari sisiran depan tong sampah...

Gue menangis hampir 8 jam.

Gue tulis di Facebook "I wish I could say, it's just'll grow back" dan teman2 dekat gue mengerti dan menghibur, seperti

"Loe tetap cantik.."
"Nanti tumbuhnya lebih bagus.."
dan sebagainya yang saat itu tidak gue pedulikan. Tetep nangis!!!!!!!!

Jam 17 gue keluar kamar, dengan muka sembab, dan mencoba becanda dengan kucing2 jahanam itu. Berenti juga nangisnya!

Besoknya gue sudah gak mellow goes on,..dan hari Minggu gue putuskan untuk menggunting rambut lagi, kali ini model pixie!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ayo Kita Kemo(n)

Setelah antrian yang melelahkan di RSCM sehari sebelumnya, tanggal 5 Agustus lalu gue kemoterapi. Dalam Facebook, gue tulis gue lagi 'spa'. Lebay banget ya.

Kemo diadakan di RSCM, Gedung A ruang 301, ruang khusus kemoterapi. Ini adalah pengalaman pertama, gak ada yang bisa gue tanya2 (dan males browsing), jadi gue bawa bawaan kayak mau nginep.

Ternyata ruangannya adalah ruang khusus kemo, ada 5 bed di sisi kanan dan 5 bed lain di sisi kiri. Rupanya sisi satu untuk perempuan, satunya lagi laki. Ohya, kamar mandi di luar, jadi agak merepotkan jika harus geret2 infus.

Satu hal yang tidak gue tahu adalah infusnya bikin badan panas dingin. Gue salah kostum dengan sukses: kaos dan jaket...dan jaket itu gak bisa dilepas selama tangan masih ada selangnya! Jadi gue cuman bolak balik badan aja karena punggung keringetan lalu kedinginan lagi.

Total dikemo adalah 10 jam. Ada saatnya kebosanan gue sudah mencapai titik tinggi dan gue memotret segalanya...
Wajahku yang cantik(??!)

Bahkan makanan rumah sakit

...dan tangan gue!

Fasilitas ruang 301 itu, hmmm.....ada dispenser tapi gak dikasi gelas....makanannya standar rumah sakit (alias gak asiiikkk), ada TV flat tapi posisinya di samping (tapi lumayan banget siiih)...seperti sudah gue singgung, toiletnya ada di luar, rempong juga jalan2 pake infus...ranjangnya gak reclining pake 'pencetan', jadi gue kemarin males membaca karena tempat tidurnya gak bisa tegak.

Singkatnya, kemo berikutnya -jika gak di kamar yang standar- gue akan:
-pake baju nyaman
-jangan pake jaket..panas...
-bawa gelas
-bawa makanan krn makanan rumah sakit gak cocok dengan selera gue

Kemudian gue baru tahu dari tante kalau tangan gue gak boleh banyak gerak karena infusnya 'racun', kalau sampai 'keluar jalur' bahaya...mungkin berikutnya gue pasang kateter aja kali ya?! Atau pakai pampers...hmmmmm

Perawatan kemo gak nginep jadi gue pulang malemnya.

Besoknya belum begitu kerasa efeknya. Masih bisa keluar2 rumah main kucing..pake masker tapinya, takut terekspos kuman2.

Dua hari kemudian terasa teler...rasanya lemas, mulut kering, kliyengan, dan yang tidak gue duga adalah susah p*p!!!


Jadi besok2 gue akan persiapan makan pepaya banyak2 sebelumnya...

Puncak dari segala keteleran adalah hari Selasa (4 hari setelah kemo), habis itu badan mendingan dan tadi (15 Agustus) gue udah ngantor lagi.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Microdermabrasion in Natasha Skin Care

About a week after hearing the bad news ("Darling, you need a chemotherapy"), the first thing in my mind was "Oh I'm gonna be bald" and I need a proffesional skin treatment!

I've been longing for microdermabrasion or probably chemical peeling, so it's the right time to do it.

I did it a week after my surgery. Natasha Skin Care in Cibubur placed its treatment room on second floor, so it was kind of painful to climb up those stairs!

First, it was doctor consultation. He recommended facial and microdermabrasion.
Then, the facial. Extremely painful extraction (really!)then followed with microdermabrasion.

After that, I purchased lots of creams and those treatment and creams weren't cheap. I don't remember the exact number, but the facial and microdermabrasion cost each IDR 400,000; the creams were about IDR 400,000. Not cheap. Really really not cheap.

But the cream themselves: I have to admit I'm little bit sceptical. For around IDR 400,000 I get:
day cream
night cream
day NECK cream
night NECk cream
anti-irritation cream (worn for 2 days after)

===to be continued==

New Hair!!

I've never had short hair since 2002...or at least it was the last photograph of me wearing short hair.

Today, after a long day in hospital (just waiting, waiting, waiting...very boring!) I decided to chop off my hair...I'm afraid I'd be hysterical when my hair starts to fall off, so a haircut will make the process easier.

I hope!

Here's my look. Taken from Blackberry camera.

Blurry pic:

I hate it. I never like short hair because I look better with long hair. I don't care if my friends commented "you look fresh!" or "you look great!", I still hate it :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hello Again!

My last post was on December 2010. Oh lazy me!!!
Sometimes I wrote on my website (, writing some silly cosmetics reviews, posting animal pictures, or posting some unuseful information.

I rarely post on this blogspot because the admin on my office blocks Blogspot. Don't know why, but I don't have the mood to write at home.

So, here's some news from me:
I went back to school last February...pursuing master degree...something I have to postpone because of something..I'll explain it later.

I had laparotomy last week. We thought it was just endometriosis, turned out it was a cancer.

I'm gonna need chemotherapy.
I'm gonna lose all of my hair.

Wish me luck.