Thursday, December 31, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa :)

(left-right): Mama, Alana (my cousin's daughter), Kiko (my nephew) and Papa in Taman Safari, 28 Dec 09.

Bubun Turun Atap :)

Akhirnya...Bubun menurunkan anak2nya dari atap...

Ohya, sebenarnya itu bukan anak2 kandungnya. Bayinya 7 (lahir dengan operasi Caesar) dan mati, tapi dia menculik anak2nya Fla dan Ruko :P

Total ada lima => dua putih coklat, tiga coklat. Yang coklat ada dua yang galak dan takut ma manusia.

Cerita lainnya tentang bayi adalah Trio Gadis: anak2nya Pramini. Yang satu nakal banget, jalan2 jauh padahal belum bener jalannya, hahaha! Entah kenapa, yang lorengnya lucu gue namain Gadis, dua lagi gue pengen namain Cosmopolitan dan Femina.

Yang nakal --dan paling jelek-- gue namain Cosmo. Panggilannya? Omo, hahahah!!!

Honeybee Hill Drop-in Pad Pocket

I copy the photo from

The pad is classified on 'light day pad' on so I used it on my lighter days.

Material: thick organic cotton and hemp french terry. Size: 8" long

I put the 'insert' and it felt very very bulky. Even without the insert, the pad isn't thin compared to other brands I have.

Turn out I didn't need the insert because when I was about to wash it, I pulled out the insert and it was still clean. While I'm not heavy bleeder and it wasn't heavy day, yet I bleed. Amazing.

It had no waterproof-lining so I was amazed it didn't leak. It also didn't take much time to dry (unlike Fussybutt Moonbow!).

The downside: stain, stain, stain!!.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Gue punya kucing baru. Udah agak gede, beranjak ABG lah :)
Kurus, loreng2, wajah tirus. Pokoknya jelek.

Namun demikian, ni bocah manja banget. Gak seneng dipangku, tapi seneng nempel2 sama orang....dan kucing lain.

Padahal dia anak baru. Berdasarkan pengalaman, kucing baru gak begitu comfort dengan teman2nya, banyak juga yang gak balik lagi ke rumah.

Ini beda. Dia sudah comfort dengan rumah barunya, kelon2an ama anak2 lain....terus nete' hahaha!!!

Udah ABG kok masih nete' sih??!

Karena kepribadiannya yang PD banget, sementara ini dia dinamain 'PD'.


Dua minggu lalu Mama menemukan kitten jelek dan budukan kecemplung di kolam kura2. Seperti biasa, tentu dipungut, dikasi makan dan diobatin..

Kitten ini misterius. kadang ada kadang hilang. Tapi tiap kali ada tentu dikasi makan.

Lalu minggu lalu gue melihat dia, setelah hilang berhari2, duduk di bantal dalam keadaan basah dan kotor. Gue tanya ke Mbak, "ketemu di mana nih? Kok basah?"

"Kejebur got...saya andukin gak mau"

Hahaha. Semenjak itu namanya jadi Jebur, soale udah 2x dia ketangkep basah :)

Kemudian dia hilang lagi. Dan baru ketemu di depan, dekat garasi.

FYI: Bubun 'menyimpan' anak2nya di atap.

Rupanya Jebur adalah anak Bubun! Misterinya terpecahkan: dia menghilang karena diambil lagi sama ibunya....dan dia kejebur karena jatoh dari atap, hahaha!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Disposable VS Reuseable

Which is better? Disposable sanitary napkin or cloth pad?

If you search in Google about cloth pad, many will say "once you try it, you'll never look back"; "they don't smell"; "they easy to care"; "they're softer than disposables"; "they'll save your money" etc.

This is my opinion on menstrual cloth pad and I'm not gonna lie:
Comfort: I don't have allergic reaction wearing any disposables, for me the pads and the disposable are the same when it comes to comfort.

Price: The pads aren't collection worth more than IDR 1 million and it's not enough for the whole cycle! Probably it's a long-term investment, but for Indonesian standard, it's cheaper to buy Kot*x or Ch*rm than spending IDR 150,000 for one pad.

Smell: while it's true that the pads has less smell than the disposable, but it has smell. Come on, it's a bloody pad! Blood has smell, right?

Easy to care: No they're not easy to wash. Probably I haven't found the right pad, but it takes some effort to clean them. Heaviest day is the hardest part, the bloody water...Sometimes I feel my bathroom is a murder scene!!!

The conclusion?

It's not easy to act green :)

To be honest, in my heaviest day, disposable is better. Just use and throw. No bloody bathroom. No stain. It's the guilty feeling of generating inorganic waste that stops me from using disposable :)

But cloth pantyliner is different story. I think everyone (eh, women) should wear this. It's not too expensive, easy to clean and you can wash it once a week without any smell --unless you sniff it closely. Ugh--

Slimming Pills

I was so snob, thinking I was blessed with good genetics and could stay slim forever...

Until I hit 31.

All the thoughts fell apart :P

I'm not saying that I'm fat now, but I find it harder to maintain the ideal weight.

If now I weigh X, I once hit (X+3)kg and I stopped eating dinner (only WRP at night), exercise more, only ended up with messed up period and no weight loss.

Then I started taking slimming pills. Mine is Indonesian traditional herbs --jamu-- and I've tried Mustika Ratu, Sariayu and recently I take one by Jamu Borobudur.

Three brands that I mentioned above are reputable companies, so I'm not worried by the bad effect on my health.
I just drink more water.

Every product contains daun jati belanda. I take it after lunch and dinner --but I don't take it when I drink WRP, that's too much-- and believe me, it works.

Now I'm back with my X kg :)

The Holiday

When I read something about holiday, probably you'd think about travelling:)

No, I just stayed at home. Annoyed my mother and went to Plaza Cibubur :D

I played games. Yeah, I know it's not right to play games in your day off, but I love FB application so much I can't stop playing them hehehe.

A little 3R update, I managed to use the 'toilet towels' at my parents' house. My new towels were thin and didn't take much time to dry, I love them.

No more toilet paper!!!
(but I still have it in my bathroom...for guests or just in case I run outta towels)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our Girls!

The girls' are Pramini's


That's Mitu --on pink chair-- with Sruntul, MJB and Loleng. He's cute and adorable, we love him :)

One Sunny Afternoon

My mom surrounded by her cats :)

Don Coklat

We have 4 don(s) now..

Hahaha, they're just 4 dominant male cats!

This is Don Coklat

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Interested on Cloth Pads? Here's Some Tips..and Advice

First of all, you can't do this if you're afraid of blood :)

I also don't recommend using washable pads if you're you have water scarcity problem in your area.

But if you interested, I can give you some tips based on my opinion:

Wear sanitary-panty (a panty with plastic lining, it won't leak on normal condition).

Always bring another clean cloth pads.

If you still not confident enough, always bring your favorite (disposable) pads.

The pads achive its maximum absorbency after 10 washes, so you need to wash it often before you wear it.

You need to spend more time..and water to wash it. Cloth panty liner is easy to clean, but bloody pad needs more effort.

Use less detergent. Cloth pad absorb detergent and using too much of it would lead to more water...and time to rinse.

Love Moon Anion

While I use pads now, my colletion is not enough for the whole cycle so I still need disposable ones.

Anyway, Love Moon is a good product, I don't feel much guilty stashing it to trash bin :D

I used it on my heavy days and I had cramp and headache that day. With Love Moon, I experienced less cramp and no headaches.

I won't say that I'm very fit and can run for a mile --that's because I am not strong enough to run for 1 mile hehehe-- but it did make the cramp better.

A Week Off

I'll take days off on 21-23 Dec so probably there'll be no post until 28 Dec :)

and..............I'll play less FB games :D

Gusi Bengkak

Awal minggu lalu gue agak sengsara: gusi gue bengkak!!

Alhamdulillah gak semua bagian, hanya di blakang graham bawah kanan, tapi sakitnya lumayan juga....

............Lumayan untuk membuat kemampuan nyupir gue menurun drastis, hehehe.

Setelah ditelaah lebih lanjut, alias ngaca2 kayak orang tolol, akhirnya gue tau bahwa penyebab bengkaknya adalah sariawan!!! Ugh! Tapi gue bersyukur, alhamdulillah 'cuma' sariawan bukan radang gusi atau sakit gigi.

Malamnya gue minum obat anti radang dan kumur pake Minosep -dulu gue pernah sariawan dashyat juga, jadi untuk punya obat kumur anti sariawan-- yang rasanya.....hmmmm........

Bikin mulut gue pait sampai paginya.

Tapi besoknya gue udah ceria lagi, gak cenat cenut kayak kemarin...hehehe

Fresh Moon and Moonbow: Cloth Pad Review

This time I have change to try them because I'm not travelling!!! Yipiiiieee!!

(yeah, it's odd to be excited about having period, heh?!)

It was heavy-flow day, and I was wearing 4 types of pads that day:
First it was Fresh Moon 11" AIO --all in one-- cotton velour, classified as Night Pad in Tiny Tapir. Gee, it was bulky!!! I can't say it feels like wearing nothing because it was bulky, but it stayed in place very very well and I didn't trace any leak.

The second pad was undyed Moonbow medium fleece (9.5") , that's classified as Day Pad in tinytapir. This one was very thin and has perfect size, but too bad it was a heavy day. It almost leak, I saw a spot in the back --the fabric is organic merino wool jersey--.

The third was green Moonbow large velour (12.5"), classified as Night Pad in Tiny Tapir. This one was large but thin....something I needed to get used to. Wearing disposable pads means having the pads hold in place by adhesive, and I always forgot that cloth pad wasn't provided with adhesive, the front and the back part of the pads flipped when I took off my panty --kelipet pas buka CD--, probably because it was so thin. And I noticed a leak.

The forth was blue Moonbow X Large fleece (13"), a night pad. This one is longer and thicker the Large one. I find it too thin for a long pad, I mean, long pad should be thicker, because the front and the back are flipped every time I took off my panty --tiap buka CD, tiap kali ujung2nya kelipet-- and for me, the crotch area was too narrow, it bleed to the 'wings'.

I read that cloth pad needs to be washed 10x to achive its maximum absorpion.

Now comes the hardest part: washing the pads.
I'm so glad I'm not affraid of blood....I rinse the pads until the water almost clear from blood, then soak it overnight.
The Fresh Moon was easy to clean while Moonbows are easily stained :(

Here's some cons and pros from the pads:

Fresh Moon AIO 11":
  • bulky
  • stays in place so well
  • doesn't leak
  • easy to wash => no stain.

Moonbow medium (9.5") fleece and large (12.5") velour

  • it's very thin.
  • so thin, it's easily flipped (kelipet) when you take off your panty.
  • not too easy to clean, it left stain.

Moonbow X Large fleece (13")

  • thinner than the Fresh Moon
  • Kelipet2 kalau buka CD. Ugh
  • I found the crotch too narrow, the flow goes to the wings!
  • Hard to clean, stained.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hand Washing

Oh, I know it sounds creepy, but I love hand washing!

Some people loves cooking, cleaning up the house...and I love hand washing :P

Probably it's a zodiac thing...I'm pisces. I love water :)

Before the 'pad era', I wash my undies twice a day. But now, I learn how to be wise with water, so I just soak it in the morning and wash it at the end of the day.

I even hand wash my cloths and spin-dry with washing machine. I rarely use washing machine, except for bed sheets and mukena (usually I wash my bed sheets with the mukena, once a month).

I know, I'm a freak :D

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Giordani Gold Eye Pencil in Black

I wore it on my bottom eye yesterday and it smudged like hell so this morning I just apply it on my upper lids.

The texture is softer than my MAC pencil eyeliner and it blends well. But....

...the staying power isn't good, it fades after hours so you'll need to touch it up. But it doesn't smudge and I like it.

Giordani Gold Rouge Future Lipstick SPF 15

Mine is Ravishing Red. It's red with purple hue, it's not orange-y.

I love the color, it really compliments my skin tone...but unfortunetely, only light color compliments my huge lips, so I won't use this without any blotting.

I thought I could use this as a liptint when the color wears off, but after I had my lunch, the color wears off and I had to reapply.

But I don't mind, it's just a lipstick.

Monday, December 14, 2009


I purchased some discounted product on Oriflame (hehehe), they are:

Oriflame Forever Eyes Cream Eyeshadow.
This is my second time purchase. It's not a cream eyeshadow, it's a liquid one with good staying power, I use it as eyemakeup base.

Giordani Gold Eye Pencil in black
Love the texture, it's so soft and glides easily. It has applicator tip too. I wear it right away after I received it, so I can't comment on the staying power.

Giordani Gold Rouge Future Lipstick SPF 15 in Ravishing Red
Honestly, it was a mistake. I ordered the tester but the consultant got me the real one. Can't comment on this product yet.

The Body Shop Shopping

I went to Pasaraya on last Saturday night, purchased some The Body Shop (TBS) product:
  1. Seaweed Purifying Facial Cleanser (a milk cleanser for combination skin)
  2. Seaweed Deep Cleansing Facial Wash (a facial wash for combination skin)
  3. Deep Pore Cleansing Pads (accessories, 4 cute small soft towels for your face, packed inside tiny string bag. Cute!)

I'll post a review.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Caring Colours Has Cute Color Set!!!

yesterday I was looking for umm...Diatabs *shy* in Guardian when I notice 6 'pocket book' by Caring Colours.

What? A cosmetic brand produced a book??!

Turned out it was a makeup palette!!!! It came in 6 sets, each has unusual name, all career-related.
How to Stay Awake from 9 to 5
How to Make Your Boss Notice You

How to Love Your Job

How to Deal with Tight Deadlines
How to Take Your Career to the Top

Anyway, I made mistake of searching in the Internet by typing 'Biokos', turned out the makeup is named Caring Colour.

It had no testers back in Guardian so I couldn't see colors in that cute palette. The size is small, very handy, about the size of their 2-way foundation.

I think it's very useful for touch up...or to be shown off to your friend because it's sooooooo adorable.

I'm not a fan of their 2-way foundation, but I love the blush...and I think the eyeshadow is pretty OK.

I got the pictures from Martha Tilaar Online Shop. I can't copy the picture of every sets, but here's the five ADORABLE set.

Price (from the online shop): IDR 79,500; in Guardian about IDR 82,000, sorry I don't remember the exact figure.
Somehow, the names and the packaging reminds me of Benefit , a brand that isn't available in Indonesia

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mino, the Baby Eater

Ini foto lama, Feb09, Ici (yang coklat) dan Mino (yang putih) masih akur menyusui berdua, ketika Mino masih normal.

Mino ini memang kucing aneh. Mungkin punya sakit kejiwaan kalau manusia :D. Dulu dia senang menculik anak orang, eh kucing, sekarang makin parah....


Mino seneng makan bayi!!!

Sudah beberapa kali dia makan bayi temen2nya. Dia makan bayinya Weyce. dan ketika dia sendiri lahiran, tentu dia makan juga!
Jadi ibu gue sekarang hati2 banget. Kalau malam Mino dikandangin.

Sekarang Pramini lagi punya bayi. dan kalau Mino lagi di luar, bayi2 Pram akan ditaro di gudang, hihihi..

Gue inget ketika Pramini lahiran kardusnya dialasin koran....pas udah brojol, gue liat korannya basah jadi gue ganti, koran kotor tsb gue taro di bawah. Guess what? Mino tampak semangat banget dengan koran tersebut...

Inget postingan gue tentang Sruntul yang melahirkan di kandang? Hari Minggu kemarin ibu gue nyariin anaknya, hilang satu (anaknya cuma dua). Kami curiga anaknya mati dan dia kubur di pasir --Sruntul pernah ngubur anaknya yang sebelumnya di pasir. Seriously--. Namun besoknya hilang lagi padahal ibu gue udah ngeduk2 pasir???!!

Tentu tersangka utama adalah Mino yang berhasil molos ke kandang Sruntul, padahal kasat mata itu kandang rapat (dan Mino bukan kayak Neri yang hobi kabur dari kandang). Mungkin dia sangat tertarik banget dengan bayi dan Sruntul sering ninggalin anaknya jadi banyak kesempatan!!!

My New Towels!!

I got my new towels from my boss: the yellow, orange, pinks and blue. Towels with pale colors aren't new, they're my recycled towels that I use daily. They're so small and thin, I think they're dry fast. So I'll use this in my parents' house!


I'm not talking about the pads...
Gue lagi ngomongin kebocoran yang terjadi di kamar mandi apartemen. Untungnya di kamar mandi/gudang, yang peruntukkannya untuk pembantu.
Agenda gue kemarin adalah mencuci dan mengepel. Ketika gue ngluarin ember buat ngerendem baju, kok ada airnya ya?! Tapi gue pikir gue yang lupa ngebuang air2 sisa cucian beberapa hari yang lalu. Namun ketika gue mau ngepel (belum nyuci waktu itu), gue dengar suara 'tok, tok, tok, tok' dan gue lihat ada genangan air di tumpukan baskom. Damn!! Berarti air yang di ember cucian itu adalah air bocoran!!!

Gue sampai motret karena hal ini bukan yang pertama kalinya. 'Korban' yang paling sering kebocoran adalah dapur. Kali ini menimpa kamar mandi :(

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Komentar Tentang Volvo.....

Gue ikut milis komunitas Volvo dan pertanyaan2 bagi yang baru tertarik pada Volvo adalah
apakah Volvo rewel?

Gue gak jawab di milis, tapi gue mau nulis di sini, selaku seorang user (hanya pakai saja, gak ngerti mesin).

Ya, Volvo rewel. Ohya, yang dibicarakan di sini umumnya adalah seri 7, 8, dan 9, buatan sebelum 2000. Si hitam Royal bolak balik AC-nya ngadat....dan bokap gue akhirnya ganti baru aja semua. Untuk AC beres, tapi SMS bokap adalah "AC royal sekarang makyus...tapi tagihannya bikin mules...."

Untuk yang wagon, penyakit lamanya adalah AC yang mati. rpm tinggi kalau idle (tapi kalau mesin dimatiin terus dinyalain lagi, dia normal lagi).

Beberapa sparepart juga gak gampang. Uang ada belum tentu barang ada. Ada istilahnya 'kampakan', yang berarti 'mretelin' dari mobil yang udah gak kepakai, tapi kan stok terbatas dan belum tentu barang yang dipretelin itu yang kita cari, bukan??!

Gue mengalami kesulitan dengan selang turbo. Jika orang bisa bilang 'selang turbo kan banyak', maka yang gue cari bukan bagian tersebut. Sorry gue gak ngerti permesinan jadi gak bisa nerangin, tapi ada masanya sang selang diganti dengan yang tidak orisinil dan berakhir dengan bocor berkali2. ADa yang bilang bisa pakai selang Panther, tapi katanya gak cocok pas dicoba.

Jika bandingannya dengan X*n**, maka Volvo akan sangat, sangat, sangat rewel. Tapi pernah juga gue denger bahwa mobil Eropa lainnya juga gak kalah rewel. Dan menurut gue, punya mobil berumur memang harus perlu kesabaran....dan mobil/motor cadangan :P

Pertanyaan berikutnya yang umum adalah tentang konsumsi BBM:
  1. Volvo saya 1/6, itu normal gak?
  2. Gimana biar bikin Volvo irit?

Terakhir gue baca di milis tentang seorang yang cerita kalau Volvonya 1/6.5. Berhubung gak ada yang komen, gue jawab, "Mobil saya malah 1/5.5, pertamax/pertamax plus dan hobi nyalip di tanjakan".

Ada juga yang bilang mobil dia hemat. Well, lucky you. Mungkin dia nyupir selalu <>

Bagi gue gak masuk akal jika mobil 2300/3000 cc bisa hemat seperti...well, X*n** tadi. Ingat, umurnya udah belasan tahun. Mobil2 ber-cc besar jaman sekarang mungkin hemat, but we can't afford the technology.

Saat ini gue tidak tertarik pasang alat biar hemat. Bagi gue (dan bokap), kami terima bahwa untuk sebuah kenyamanan ada harga yang harus dibayar.

Terakhir yang pengen gue tulis adalah pendapat pribadi gue tentang mobil dandan dan BBM yang dipakai. Kecuali jaman tiris beberapa tahun yang lalu, gue gak pakai premium lagi. Bagi gue, egois banget memakai BBM bersubsidi untuk mobil gue yang boros2 itu. Lalu tentang mobil dandan, pernah gue baca email yang menerangkan apa aja yang dihabiskan untuk mobilnya: full asesoris, velg gede, pokoknya keren lah....tapi tu mobil 'dikondisikan' untuk minum premium.


Gue gak pernah ngerti attitude seperti itu. Velg gede itu belasan juta, belum lagi bannya. Tapi kok masih tega2nya beli BBM bersubsidi??!

How could youuuuuuuuuuu???????????????

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Garnier Skin Naturals Light Visible Whitening Face Powder

I put Biokos 2 way cake inside my makeup pouch in my gym-bag, but but it's already broken and made my pouch dirty so I need a new one.
I don't want something fancy and branded since I leave my gym bag (with makeup pouch in it) inside my parked car, so I searched for a cheaper powder.
I choose Garnier, mine is ivory.
The claim: long-lasting shine free effect.
The verdict: I only use this after gym, before I go home (hey, even when it's just a ride to my apartment, I have to look good, hehehehe) and I only feel the 'long lasting shine free effect' for less than 1 hour.
But I don't mind because it's easy to take off at night, and it's cheap so I won't complain. But I complain on the packaging! It's ugly and looks cheap :P

YSL Poudre Sur Mesure

The name is Podre Sur Mesure Semi-Loose Powder Natural Radiance.

I don't speak french, so semi-loose powder natural radiance is the translation for podre sur mesure?

Anyway, who cares.

I was searching for loose powder that has medium coverage and ended up purchase the YSL.

Mine is 01 Ivory. I choose the lightest one because I always make mistake of choosing foundation that's darker than my skintone.

I love the packaging. Love it! It's loose but it's compact. Confused? Just see the picture. I can't explain it well :)
How about the quality? What I love about expensive powder is the texture. Love it. I apply it with my The Body Shop powder blush.
What I don't love is the staying power. To be honest, I haven't found a powder with good staying power....and that's pretty ironic since I don't have super-oily skin.
But still, I'm happy with the powder. Because it has gorgeous packaging. Because it's very expensive, hehehehe....
Price: IDR 465,000

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cerita Kucing Minggu Lalu

Foto: Ganteng lagi norak bobo di kardus sempit.

Minggu lalu, ibu2 pada lahiran: Sruntul dan Cemong.

Sruntul maunya di kandang, di bagian atas (kandang kucing gue ada bagian atas berupa semen dan bawah berupa pasir untuk WC), Cemong maunya di bawah. 'Mong gak mau pake box jadi anaknya bergetakan di pasir. Ih, jijay deh loe!

Sumber kenora'an adalah Cemong ketika lahiran. Percayakan kalau 'Mong minta ditungguin ama Mama sembari lahiran??? Mama gak boleh pergi, kalau Mama bergerak dia langsung loncat dari kardus. Dia juga megangin tangan Mama, hahahaha!! Lucu banget, sembari lahiran sembari dielus2...sembari ngomel2 pula!!! Mungkin kesakitan.
Sehabis itu, dia marahin semua (kucing) yang masuk ke ruang kucing.

Jadi ama Mama terpaksa ditaro di kandang. Untung dia mau, walaupun dia maunya di pasir dan gak pake kotak.

Is This Too Much??!

Participating in waste-reduction act gives me new attitude. I think it's little bit silly because now I feel terribly guilty everytime I generate inorganic waste!

Such as, 2 weeks ago I left my lunch box and the pads in my parents' house (it was long weekend so I brought my pads to Cibubur) and I went to Puncak for 3 days then went back to apartment (means: I left all the pads and lunch box), I had to wear disposables and ordered from canteen without lunch box and I felt guilty about it.

And because I use more water due washing the pads and towels, I ordered phosphate-free detergent.

Then I thought about skincares and cosmetics. I thought about their packaging that would go to trash can. Hmm....That leads me to The Body Shop, where you can return your empty bottles and I love the idea.

while using daily bodywash and body lotion from TBS still too expensive for me, probably I switch my skincare to TBS.

Oh God, is my attitude too much?

Phosphate-free Detergent

After the lunch box, the towels, the cloth pads, I'm thinking about something new....



.......A phosphate-free detergent!!!

Gak keren banget ya, hahahha..

Having the pads and towels translates to the use of water. And now I use more water than I did before the pads-era. So I have to be responsible and ordered Amway detergent because it's phosphate-free.

Don't know the type of the detergent is because my aunt made the order. She ordered from her friend.

If you don't know why phosphate-free detergent is important, you can read this.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Loose Powder Hunting

Last Saturday we went to Plaza Senayan. I didn't plan for this so I was under-dressed to be honest. Just jeans and t-shirts with minimum makeup.

I was looking for medium/high coverage loose powder, something that can be applied without foundation, something like Sariayu loose powder (but I didn't mention that, too embarresed to say that in high end department store).

First we went to Dior counter in Sogo because I was attracted by Diorskin Nude powder. I read in reviews that Diorskin Nude was a good product....

....only to find out that the product wasn't available in Indonesia :(

But the SPG still offered another powder. I didn't remember the product name, but I left there with powdered face :P
I was only interested in Diorskin Nude, so I didn't buy anything.

Next destination is Make Up For Ever (MUFE). I heard that MUFE had a good powder called HD (High Definition) and I was interested. Turned out it was white powder but I tested it anyway. Without foundation, it has minimum coverage.

So here I was, powdered with Dior and MUFE and still looked natural..

Then we went to YSL counter. I really really adored their packaging. So fashionable, so and gold...and the lipstick...hmmm.......

.....they looked expensive :P

I tested on the lipstick ("I want the sheer one. Tinted lipcolor. No gloss") and mesmerized by the packaging. But I didn't buy the lipstick because I'm not a lipcolor fans and it's too expensive. I purchased the loose powder: Poudre Sur Mesure Semi-Loose Powder Natural Radiance

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Long Weekend Activity

Yeah, minggu lalu Idul Adha merangkap long weekend :)

Namun sayang sekali, gue malah sakit pas keluarga gue ngumpul2..Jadi gue tepar aja di kamar.

Sabtunya gue dan Si AA ke Plaza Senayan...gue minta dibeliin bedak YSL, hehehe. Barangnya belum dipakai karena masih di Cibubur, so I'll post a review later :)

Berita tentang kucing tidak ada yang istimewa. Pada pilek, buduk, dan yang lucu tetap lucu. Ohya, anak kesayanganku Ganteng malah sakit batuk. Bandel sih dia, udah tau dingin malah bobo di luar (di rak tanaman, bawah jendela). Kasian liat dia sakit, biasanya lincah dan nakal, pas sakit loyo, tidur terus....

Malem2 karena gue takut dia nularin temen2nya, gue taro di rak yang tinggi dan gue selimutin :D