I thought it's made in Indonesia product, then I found a Facebook page, said it's located in Malaysia??!
Anyway, I don't care about the country of origin of the product, all I care is the price. It's affordable!!
The pads are cost less than IDR 30,000 ...a 5" pantyliner is IDR 18,000; 9.5" day pad 23,000 and 11" night pad 28,000 . Compared to my expensive pads, ZZ is affordable, right?!
I didn't buy them as sets, but I remember browsing about this pads and a set is cost IDR 88,000.
Materials: suede cloth, lite microfiber, 100% cotton outer(?)...and I don't find it on the site, but I think it has PUL for waterproofing.
I love this pad. Here's the PROs:
It's waterproof, even the wings has PUL.
The surface has 'dry touch' effect. I realize this when I wash it for the first time.
The day and night pads have perfect size.
It's affordable.
and the most important (for me): it's very very very easy to clean. Means you'll use less water. dry fast too!
Now the cons:
Did I say it's affordable? I can't find any cons about this product :)
Probably this: probably the 6" pantyliner is little bit too small for cloth standard.
And I wish it has two snaps for narrow underwear.
Hi there.. saya tertarik utk coba clothpad nih, tapi spt kebanyakan orang, takut tembus! hehehe..
ReplyDeletekalo yg ZZ ini review nya gmn?
soalnya mau beli yg merk luar sperti Heinys, takut malah ga kepake :(
tks before!