Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hair Story

You rarely, rarely read stories about my hair in this blog. Simply because I don't have beautiful hair.

You won't be interested on how damaged it is...
how it's long but I'm too lazy to go to salon to get my hair a trim....
how the roots are curly/wavy because I haven't done straightening process to my hair...
how I use hairmask once a week and they don't do much to my hair....
hot most of shampoo and conditioner don't reserve the damage...
how I'm not interested in styling my hair...

But I think my hair deserve some publication. I should be grateful that it's still growing -although not as good as I expected-

I look good in long hair. I don't care what you say, but I don't follow trends because my strong jaw doesn't soften during season :)

It has to be long. It has to be straight.

Those requirement costs me alot. First, unlike my trouble-free skin, I don't have strong hair. Second, it costs alot to straighten the hair, time and money.

My long and (fake) straight is damaged. It's dry. Hair loss. Probably not dangerous one, but I suffer hair loss, probably from the breakage.

Usually I straighten my hair every 5-6 months, but I think this time I need a break.

I've said goodbye to L'Oreal Extenso, well temporarily.

How do I look?

Not terrible of course, but not good :D

Curly roots. I started wear headbands. Then the hair grow longer and curls showed.

So now, I style my hair after I wash it. Yes! Indira and hairdyer!!! And a styling brush...

I dry my hair with hairdryer then styled the crown with a straightening brush by Babyliss Paris. Then finish it with Pantene Classic hairspray (imported product). The hold-level of hairspray is 'flexible' said the company, almost 'feels nothing' in my experience. But probably without it, the hair won't stay straight for 2 days :)

I don't use straightening iron, it's too damaging for everyday life. If it's curly little bit, who cares?!

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